Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Environmentality, 4 June 2014, Kevin Donegan, Enviroshop

Loy Yang  - Brown Coal Mine
How is it that the USA have come to the conclusion that coal power is dirty, unsustainable, a health risk to its people, the environment and the world and WE in Australia have had successive governments that think our place in the world is to dig more coal up and become the providers of cheap power?  It is so crazy it must be true.
For those that love a bit of data have a look at the World Resources Institute data on greenhouse gas emissions, it is very interesting.

So what can we do?


It was great to have Kevin Donegan from Enviroshop on the show today. We learnt a little more about the rebate scheme and how the Government is about to scrap the rebates on solar PV systems, so now is the time to talk to your local solar installer.  Check out Enviroshop's website for more information on what size PV system you may need.

The technology to go off grid and store your power in batteries is coming along, with expectation in the solar market that within a few years it will be much more affordable go it alone.

If you don't have the budget for solar at this stage there are plenty of other things you can do to reduce your utility bills.  If you have halogen lights you can replace them with LEDs, they have come down in price and are paying for themselves within 12 months or so.  You can also look at the way you use lighting, maybe you can use lamps with lower wattage.  Compare your electricity retailer with their competitors.  Look at your power and gas bills are you on peak/off peak rate schedules or are you paying a flat rate all day/night.

Whatever you decide to do, saving money on your utilities and spending it on your garden is always much more fun!

Make sure you listen to the show!

Thanks Kevin for the music selection today:

Getting Away with It by James
Miami by Against Me
Shivers by Roland S Howard

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