Happy New Year Environmentality listeners and readers
I hope you all had a restful Christmas and New Year and will have time to listen to the last three shows, which are now uploaded on the the site.
Due to a malfunction in the studio communication system on 8 and 15 Jan we were unable to have our guests on, however, Jaime managed to snag himself an articulate, educated and passionate environmental activist by the name of John Merory as his co-presenter. Thanks John for bringing some couth and culture to Environmentality.
Our first guest of the year was Jamie Hanson, Climate Change Campaigner for the Australian Conservation Foundation. Thanks very much Jamie for talking with us.
ACF do an incredible amount of work lobbying government and business on a wide range of environmental/sustainability issues. With the current federal governments stance on anything to do with the environment the ACF certainly has their work cut out for them.
Make sure you listen to the show
In the first two shows of the year
8 Jan and
15 Jan John and Jaime talked about many different topics (including the heatwave Southern Australia had) but the recurring theme was what impact we as individuals can have on making our environment cleaner, healthier and more sustainable.
There are always plenty of ideas thrown around; Use the car less, get on your bike, use public transport, install water tanks and have them hooked up to your toilet, ask your landlord to do the same, grow your own vegetables. Buy Australian made produce, buy local produce, be aware of where your food is coming from and how far it has traveled. Recycle your plastic bags. All of these things mean different things to different people, so tell me
A fairly new community movement, The
Transition Towns movement is a great way to contribute and be part of the community you live or work in. Transition Towns started in Ireland and has spread around the world. Australia is embracing the movement. To find a Transition Town close to you go to the
Transition Network site.

There are times though when the power of words is the best change maker. Some people are great writers, so get your fingers working, write to your local, state and federal reps, don't write once, twice or three times, keep writing. The little itch you cause may turn into a large one which then makes that all important change.
There was an ecclectic mix of music played over the past three weeks;
Amy Kilpatrick, The CatEmpire, Reservoir Dogs movie soundtrack, James Brown, The Marquees, Queen, Tex Perkins, Lisa Miller
We have a Ursula from
Lock The Gate on the line, don't miss it!
We also have a week of hot weather coming our way. Try and look out for any elderly neighbours as they some of our most vulnerable at this time.
Don't forget to leave us a comment or tell us who you would like to hear on the show.