DEA's members are medical students and medical professionals who not only want to see happy and healthy Australians and other world citizens but also a healthy, sustainable and clean environment for us to live in.
Grace Davies, student representative for DEA and Kate Lardner, Convenor of the iDea Conference joined us today on Environmentality. It was great to have them on the show and really interesting to hear what has inspired them to volunteer their time to champion the most important cause of our time. Listen to the show to hear about the amazing speakers Kate lined up for the conference.
The medical professional are at the coal face, no pun intended, of any health epidemic. From your local doctor checking your blood pressure to the scientists looking at the tolerance that mosquitos have to anything we might throw at them!

It looks like Grace and Kate and the other members of DEA are up to the challenge!
Music played today:
Imagine Dragons, On Top of The World
TinPan Orange, Like Snow
Powderfinger, My Happiness
Next week - Craig Byatt, Architect
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