Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Dear Environmentality Listeners,
If you have been listening to Environmentality for a while now you would be well aware that Smokey and his partner are expecting their little bundle of joy any day now. Even still Smokey remains behind the desk to support Jaime in this weeks jam packed show.
Our first phone in guest was deputy CEO, Erwin Jackson from the Climate Institute. The Climate Institute was set up in 2005 and works towards 'sensible and practical solutions' towards climate change. It also remains independent from government. Erwin believes firmly that any approach to climate change has to be a 'collective approach'. This collective approach translates into areas of international accountability, economic transformation and the support of the agricultural sector.
Our second guest is Victoria McKenzie - McHarg from Environment Victoria. They are non-government not for profit organisation made up of member groups and individuals. Victoria refers to her organisation as a 'watch dog' for our environment that will stand up for our environments rights.

The Victorian government wants to build a new Coal Fire Power Station with HRL. Both State and Federal government have put forward financial funding totaling $150 million. Environment Victoria raises the question just how serious are our governments in supporting clean alternatives to energy production? New investment in clean energy has created one set of rules for Wind Stations and another for Coal Fire Stations. For example, the government imposed 2km residential restriction around Wind Stations does not apply to Coal Stations. A major legal case regarding the proposed HRL Coal Fire Power Station is under way and if Environment Victoria are successful it will leave an ever lasting legacy for Victoria regarding environmental issues. If you are interested in supporting Environment Victoria in this fight please follow this link We're Going to Court.
Listen to full interviews here : Environmentality 25 January 2012
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